October 18, 2019

Oct. 25, 1969


Fifty years ago, on October 25, 1969, Canadian Sen. Paul Yuzyk explained to the Niagara Falls United Nations Club that Russia was exploiting the United Nations with a deceitful plan aimed at smashing capitalist countries so the Soviet Union could conquer the world.

U.N. platforms have been used by the Soviets to spread communism and inflame colonial people and underdeveloped nations against Western powers, particularly the United States, he said.

Jim Cullen of The Evening Review said that the paradox is that, while imperialism and colonialism are disappearing throughout most of the world, it is the Soviet Union that has emerged as the world’s greatest imperialist power.

“The greatest threat to freedom and independence of man and nations and to the peace of the world today is Soviet Russian imperialism, under the guise of spreading revolutionary socialism and communism to all peoples,” Sen. Yuzyk stated.

There had been no significant change in the policies of the existing Russian Communist government from the autocratic tsarist regime. In 1963 during the 18th General Assembly of the U.N., Sen Yuzyk explained. He cited publications approved at the Second Congress of Communist International in Moscow that showed Russia’s goals of world domination.

Quoting Dmitry Manuilsky of the Lenin School of Political Warfare, Sen. Yuzyk said: “War to the hilt between communism and capitalism is inevitable. The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep; so we shall begin by launching the most  spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down, we will smash them with our clenched fist.”

Sen. Yuzyk added, “Deceit is a basic tactic of Soviet policy in the subversion of the free world.” This motivation for world domination was spurred by the results of the post-second world war order that divided Europe into spheres of influence.

Moscow’s aims through the U.N. were to use its veto power to protect the USSR; frustrate an effective foreign policy of the major capitalist nations; manipulate the U.N. as an instrument in breaking up the colonial territories of the non-Communist countries; and bring about the amalgamation of all nations into a single Soviet system. Moscow’s pattern of behavior fits this scheme from Lenin to Stalin to Khrushchev, the senator added. Moscow, he continued, has used the U.N. Security Council to paralyze the work of the U.N. in international crises, citing the 1956 uprising in Hungary and the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

Sen. Yuzyk recommended that, to prevent Russia’s aim of world domination, free nations must watch closely the actions of the U.N. Secretariat and have it reformed to carry out the principles of the U.N. The senator warned that the free nations must never be allowed to fall into a mental state of compromise with Moscow, which will undermine the highest values of democracy, culture, religion and humanitarianism.

Source: Senator Yuzyk: Moscow seeks world domination,” The Ukrainian Weekly, November 8, 1969.