December 13, 2019

Commendations for Wolowyna book


Dear Editor:

I was pleased to receive the book “Atlas of Ukrainians in the United States” that Oleh Wolowyna produced in conjunction with the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh), which was recently written up in The Ukrainian Weekly (September 29). Having known Dr. Wolowyna since our doctoral study days, it is no surprise that he has produced a classic work on Ukrainian immigration and assimilation in the U.S. The Shevchenko Scientific Society should be commended for sponsoring such important work.

NTSh should also be commended for making the volume available through Amazon. By distributing via Amazon, the book with be also available to a wider body of those interested in not just Ukrainian topics, but the fields of demography and migration studies. When I entered the book’s title into the Amazon search box, I found not only this book, but several related works on Ukraine, the Carpathians and Eastern European nations. With the recent elevation of Ukraine to the minds of all Americans, this exposure is important.

Ladimer S. Nagurney, Ph.D.
Amherst, Mass.