January 17, 2020

Spartanky Plast sorority meets for anniversary conference at Soyuzivka


Christina Jancew Iwanik.

Spartanky members gathered for their 2019 annual conference pose on the Veselka balcony overlooking the Catskill Mountains.

KERHONKSON, N.Y. – Members of the Spartanky sorority of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization gathered for the sorority’s annual conference and retreat on the weekend of November 1-3, 2019, at Soyuzivka Heritage Center.

A record number of 65 members of the sorority, both from the senior and younger branches, traveled from the eastern and mid-western states to attend this year’s conference, which had special significance this year because 2019 marked three anniversaries in the history of the sorority. Sixty years ago, in 1959, the younger branch was founded in Chicago, and 25 years ago the senior branch was formally established. In addition, the sorority has been operating a camp for 7-year-old cub scouts, called “Beginning Camp,” that the organization initiated 25 years ago at the Plast camp in East Chatham, N.Y.

The conference was the culmination of a series of celebrations that took place during the year to mark these anniversaries, the most notable of which was held during Parents’ Day at the East Chatham camp.

The Spartanky sorority was founded based on Plast scouting principles, taking additional inspiration from the role Spartan women played in ancient Greece, where they were known for exhibiting strength of body, mind and soul. Spartanky have active branches in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well as a very active contingent in the city of Lviv.

This year’s conference began with an informal social evening on Friday night. After checking into their rooms and enjoying a delicious dinner at the Main House, the scouts gathered for the main event of the evening, a “vatra,” or bonfire program, that took place by the warmth of the fireplace in the lobby. The evening was highlighted by the beloved Plast tradition of acting out humorous skits and singing songs. MCs Roma Maksymowych and Darka Patti ably led a program of humorous skits performed by both senior and younger members, followed by rousing renditions of sing-along favorites.

The formal phase of the conference took place on Saturday in the Veselka hall. Senior sorority President Irena Sawchyn greeted all the attendees, and commended and thanked everyone for their extraordinary dedication to the sorority and the Plast scout organization, as well as to the year’s highly successful anniversary celebrations.

Stefko Drabyk

Members of the younger branch of Spartanky at their 2019 annual conference at Soyuzivka.

Several members were honored for their contributions.

Petrusia Kotlar Paslawsky was awarded the Order of St. George in Gold, the highest commendation given in Plast, for establishing the popular one-week Beginners’ Camp 25 years ago and guiding its continuation for 25 years, as well as many years in scouting leadership roles.

Anna Ortynsky and Alexandra Magun received promotions in rank to scout trustee.

Laryssa Nahnybida and Zenia Olesnycky were given certificate of recognition for their yearlong dedication in organizing the anniversary celebrations for the sorority, as well as multiple reunions in the past.

Alexandra Zawadiwsky received a certificate of recognition for her excellent work in developing the Spartanky website and acquiring archival data for the site.

The group then reviewed projects that were completed by the various branches throughout the year, including caroling during the Holidays, organizing a ski day/winter outing at Holiday Mountain in New York, conducting St. Andrew’s Eve customs (Andriyivskiy Vechir), running the Beginner’s Camp in East Chatham, N.Y., testing campers for the Plast physical fitness badge, and helping to preserve the forest trails at the Vovcha Tropa campsite.

New board members were elected for key posts: Theresa Kuritza, president; Chrystia Iwanik, vice-president; Zezya Zawadiwsky, secretary; and Christya Stasiuk, treasurer. Additionally, local chapter leaders were named, including Kiki Zinycz in New York/Connecticut, Roma Maksymovych in New Jersey and Marusia Kolodij in Philadelphia.

Lastly, three women were welcomed into the sorority as Spartanky candidates: Zina Zinycz, Alexandra Odulak Petrenko and Roma Hamersky-Dale.

After Saturday’s formal deliberations, all Spartanky attendees joined in a unique fun-filled scavenger hunt organized by Alexa “Googa” Watters, president of the younger branch, and Nadia Olesnycky and Olenka Olesnycky, members of the younger branch. Teams of senior and younger Spartanky worked together eagerly to address a series of challenges and outdo others. There were mock battles, impromptu singing, trick photography and poetry recitations. A good time was had by all, with every Spartanka demonstrating good cheer and a healthy dose of competitive spirit. All activities were captured on digital cameras by each team and then edited and shown to all the enthusiastic participants as a late-night treat.

After the vigorous outdoor hunt, everyone gathered by the fireplace again for snacks and beverages, and an exhibition of mementos from wedding traditions that were practiced by the first Spartanky at the shower-type celebrations called “Divych Vechir.” Four senior members, Itsia Bihun, Marta Torielli, Romana Pylyp and Margareta Nycz displayed the keepsakes they had received for their weddings many years before and had stored as valued treasures. They displayed tablecloths that had been embroidered by the Spartanky friends of the bride-to-be, framed “fairytale” posters that related with beautiful calligraphy the story how the groom and bride met, as well as head wreaths plaited by friends to give to the new bride.

Senior members reminisced about other wedding traditions and were all deeply moved to hear that the younger members were continuing many of the traditions for their Spartanky weddings.

The highlight of the day was the after-dinner “Spartanka Masquerade” team competition. Each team was tasked with dressing up one team member as a Spartan woman who had to embody one of the key Spartan ideals that reflect the sorority’s fundamental ethic. The results were both hilarious and thoughtful, resulting in a memorable evening that brought the younger and senior members even closer.

The evening continued when the library was opened to show a display of Spartanky memorabilia through the ages, including photo collections that reflected 60 years of the group’s existence and contributions to the Plast organization.

The conclusion of the day came with a celebratory cake, a fitting culmination of the year’s anniversary celebrations. All the attendees, younger and older, toasted their accomplishments and sang the traditional “Mnohaya Lita” to wish each other many more years of collaborative endeavors as Spartanky.

As a late-night treat, the younger Spartanky screened a video montage of the scavenger hunt that took place earlier that day. The chatting and laughing continued late into the night.

Closing ceremonies took place early on Sunday morning, led by the new senior president, Ms. Kuritza, followed by divine liturgy celebrated at Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church.

All in all, the event was a major success, in light of the beautiful fall weather, the hospitality and wonderful accommodations of Soyuzivka Heritage Center, the planning and execution of the event by the New Jersey chapter, led by organizers Laryssa Nahnybida and Zenia Olesnycky, and most of all the commitment and dedication of these strong women to do their part in helping to support and reinforce the ideology of Plast among Ukrainian youth in the U.S. and abroad: strength of body and soul. All left for home energized and ready for another year of hard but rewarding work.

The next conference is being planned by the New York/Connecticut chapter for fall 2020. For further information about the Spartanky sorority readers may contact Chrystia Iwanik at [email protected].


Irena Sawchyn, Zezya Zawadiwsky, Talia Danysh and Lyalya Nahnybida contributed to this article.