January 7, 2016

“False binaries” and naivety


Dear Editor:

In his columns for The Ukrainian Weekly, Andrew Sorokowski has demonstrated not only his talent for philosophy, but also a naivety that has a certain charm to it. Nonetheless, naivety can be fatal, as our Ukrainian ancestors learned from their enemies. Dr. Sorokowski demonstrates his naivety in his “False binaries” column (December 13, 2015), in which he says that a solution to a debate over homosexual rights in Ukraine is needed, rather than a false binary promoted by the West.

Dr. Sorokowski makes sense in calling for a solution in the conflict between traditional Western values and secular postmodernism, but my two decades of journalism have led me to conclude that, like its Bolshevik predecessors, the Left isn’t interested in a solution. The Left is engaged in an ideological battle to annihilate traditional Western and Christian values. That also involves intimidating and ostracizing the enemy, hence the “ideologically loaded” language of “homophobes” and “transphobes” of Freedom House’s Matthew Schaaf that offended Mr. Sorokowski.

To a large extent, this annihilation has already been achieved. Our beautiful, glorious American history is portrayed as imperialist and genocidal, our traditional Christian faith is forbidden at virtually all state-sponsored events and settings, and our wealth and prosperity are attributed to racism and “white privilege,” rather than our common inheritance and magnificent culture that has attracted people from all around the world in wanting to share in it. In the last year, we have seen Christians in the U.S. thrown in jail and driven out of business for their faith. Sound familiar?

In referring to “the U.S. having little to offer” toward resolving this current conflict that threatens the very existence of Europe, Dr. Sorokowski is most certainly referring to the American representatives of the mainstream media, academia and NGOs such as Freedom House, who now actively condemn the traditional Western values and culture that conservatives, like myself, strongly believe brought the West the wealth and prosperity it enjoys today.

To work in these spheres, one must adopt the state ideology of the Western world, which is Cultural Marxism, a political worldview that believes the world’s inequalities are a result of a corrupt, racist and imperialist Western, Christian civilization, which needs to be deconstructed in order to achieve a multicultural utopia of equality and harmony. This worldview is a direct reflection of what the Bolsheviks tried to achieve with their failed Soviet experiment. And, just as the Bolsheviks had their marked enemy, the bourgeoisie and the peasantry, the Cultural Marxists’ enemy is the white Christian male and his allies.

So, I urge moderates and conservatives to understand the enormous stakes involved. As with the blood-soaked creation of the Soviet Union, this is a battle that will result in a winner and a defeated force, likely to be determined by the 2016 elections. And the defenders of Western, Christian values are on the losing end so far, unless we fight back.
