July 24, 2020

A dream come true for Putin, Sanders


Dear Editor:

I give credit to The Weekly for trying to present a fair and balanced rationale for Ukrainians to support, or not, the Black Lives Matter movement (“Opinion,” June 28/July 5).

However, I find totally delusional Andriy Semotiuk’s historical comparisons of the centuries-old conflict of Ukraine vs Russia with the present-day racially inspired and Marxist-driven discord with the African American community. He thinks the Russians are prejudiced and discriminating against the Ukrainians because of “who we are” – what a spin!

A more accurate and realistic analysis of the present situation in this country is provided in Jaroslaw Martyniuk’s excellent “What do Russia, Antifa and Black Lives Matter have in common?” It is well-known that the two founders and leaders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.” And the Antifa movement and its aims are without question Vladimir Putin’s “dream come true” – and coincidentally that of Bernie Sanders, who said, “We need a political revolution.”

Subverting our government and social institutions, stoking racial angst and violence, causing discord and chaos in the European Union and NATO – all this to undermine the stability and rule of law in this country and the Western world. For Putin, for Bernie and the left radicals, this is really a “voila” moment.


Dr. George Baranowskyj
Osprey, Fla.