August 14, 2020

Mykola Haliv Scholarship Fund established for students of Ukrainian Catholic University


NEW YORK – Mykola Haliv, a longtime friend of the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) and the first head of the New York Friends of UCU Committee, celebrated his 96th birthday on June 29. His friends joined both personally and virtually to extend their best wishes.


Tamara Shevchenko and Orest Kyzyk greet Mykola Haliv on the occasion of his 96th birthday on behalf of the New York Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

Alex Kuzma, chief development officer of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Found­ation, announced the establishment of the Mykola Haliv Scholarship Fund, started by Mr. Haliv’s daughter, Lesia Haliv, and sister-in-law, Oksana Malanchuk.

From Lviv, the Rev. Dr. Bohdan Prach, rector of UCU, greeted Mr. Haliv virtually with a video on behalf of the students and whole community of the university. He thanked him for his many years of support of UCU.

Archbishop-Metropolitan Borys Gudziak, UCU president, joined in with his own online words of gratitude: “We look on you as a patriarch, the representative of the great generation that suffered through the war, left your homeland for a new country, began again with nothing, and gave us everything… Now we share in the joy of your birthday.”

Mr. Haliv responded to the archbishop’s greeting: “I am inexpressibly grateful,” he said, “for your warm words, for noting my humble work for the good of UCU, for the good of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and for the Ukrainian people.”

Donations to the Mykola Haliv Scholar­ship Fund can be made on the website of the Ukrainian Catholic Education Found­ation, Every donation, whether $5, $500, or even $5000 will have great significance for the development and support of young talents at the Ukrainian Catholic University.