February 12, 2016

UCCA statement was correct


Dear Editor:

Bohdan Vitvitsky’s letter (January 31), although somewhat accurate, does need some clarification.

He says that the United States has given Ukraine three-quarters of a billion dollars in various aid since the Maidan.  True, however, this is the wealthiest country in the world, comprising some 324 million people. Canada, a country with only 36 million, has given Ukraine $700 million since January 2014.  You do the math.

Much of the various U.S. aid and non-combatant military hardware promised has neither arrived or what has is verified as being outdated, non-compliant junk. What Ukraine needs is modern, sophisticated defensive weapons. These have been approved by the U.S. Congress in the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, but President Barack Obama is afraid to sign off.

And finally, then the UCCA states President Obama has a shocking ignorance of foreign policy, they are correct. This has been shown in his dealings with Russia (specifically Vladimir Putin), Syria, Iran, the closing of Guantanamo, and the selling out of Israel, among a few examples.

Cranford, N.J.