July 10, 2020

A call for help for flood victims in Ukraine’s western regions


The United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (UUARC) is calling for all persons of good will and kind heart in the Ukrainian American community to help those afflicted by floods in western Ukraine. Our Fellow Ukrainians!

As a result of the heavy rains from June 22 to June 23, 2020, the levels of many rivers have risen to very dangerous levels. In fact, the rivers still continue to rise in the Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Zakarpattia and Ternopil regions, resulting in flooding of dozens of towns and villages, and thousands of houses, and destroying many roads and bridges. Countless have lost their properties and their savings, and are even unable to buy basic everyday items. Hundreds have been left homeless.

In the flood zone, mainly in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, 8,000 houses were flooded, 19 bridges were completely demolished, 100 kilometers of roads were destroyed and 400 people were evacuated. Sadly, three people died and one person is still missing. People have no drinking water and no power as the water level continues to rise. (In some areas more than two meters).

As always, the UUARC is in the forefront helping those in need. However, we cannot do this alone and once again are relying on our donors’ generosity. Please do not be indifferent to this horrific catastrophe and human suffering. You too can help by sending a donation through the UUARC for which you will receive a receipt for the exact amount of your donation which is tax-exempt. Rest assured that the UUARC will deliver all of your donations to the flood victims.

Kindly make out your checks to “UUARC-Flood Relief” and send them to: UUARC, 1206 Cottman Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111. Telephone: 215-728-1630. In addition, you may donate electronically at: www.uuarc.org.

Please don’t delay! Donate now!


UUARC Executive Board
June 30