July 29, 2016

A counter-argument to Andrew Fedynsky’s


Dear Editor:

In response to Andrew Fedynsky’s column (June 19), I will be as bold as he was and claim the opposite. If you love America and Ukraine, you will not vote for Hillary Clinton. The arguments Mr. Fedynsky presented for not voting for Donald Trump bear closer scrutiny because not one thing is based on his record. In contrast, Ms. Clinton has an actual record. Her ideology and character have been validated by her actions. Her proposed policies vary by adapting to her audience. Actions do speak louder than words.

First Mr. Fedynsky attacks Mr. Trump for being a friend to Vladimir Putin and proposing that the U.S. leave NATO. Mr. Trump did make some questionable statements, but I do not recall a Russia “reset button” as the one so kindly offered by our former secretary of state. Also Mr. Trump is calling for restructuring NATO.

Next he attacks Mr. Trump’s staff. Paul Manafort is his campaign manager – that means image not substance – and he has worked for leaders both good and bad. Carter Page is his energy advisor. Maybe this is not a great choice, but consider that Ms. Clinton sold uranium to the Russians for cash.

The columnist worries about leaks from intelligence briefings to Mr. Trump. Where is the concern about the classified e-mails leaked through Hillary’s private server that the Russians now enjoy?

To convince readers to vote for Ms. Clinton, Mr. Fedynsky dredges up the 1976 Ford-Carter debate. Gerald R. Ford stumbled and made an upsetting statement – “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe.” But Mr. Fedynsky left out the second part:  “and there will never be under the Ford administration.” Despite the blunder, we know that Mr. Ford was keenly aware of Soviet domination. Mr. Fedynsky went on to say that Lev Dobriansky was “a profile in courage” for breaking with his party and supporting Mr. Carter. Does it really take “courage” to vote across party lines in this country? Brent Scowcroft (Republican) is supporting Hillary. He wrote the infamous “Chicken Kiev” speech for George Bush. Courage?

I assure Mr. Fedynsky that I would “courageously” vote for a qualified Democrat like a Joe Lieberman. This, however, is not the old Democratic Party. This is a party of socialist-liberals who only seek money and power.

This election is important. We have had eight years of divisive politics destroying our country here and abroad. Barack Obama was no more qualified than Mr. Trump. It was under his watch that Crimea was annexed and Ukraine invaded by Russia.

Yes, Mr. Trump was mocked by fellow candidates, yet most of them are now supporting him “warts and all” because the thought of a Clinton presidency is so frightening. Her supporters say she is the most qualified. Really? They cop out on Benghazi, Libya, e-mails, Clinton cash by saying she was not convicted.

It does not take courage to vote for Hillary. Let’s be honest. It’s all about personal gain, not love of country.

Colts Neck, N.J.