March 9, 2018

A day of gratitude celebrates restoration of historic cathedral


Lidia M. Wasylyn

At the hierarchical divine liturgy of thanksgiving and re-dedication of St. Josaphat Cathedral, celebrated by Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, Bishop David Motiuk and parish clergy.

EDMONTON, Alberta – St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral in Edmonton, Alberta, observed a day of gratitude and re-dedication celebrating a major restoration involving both exterior and interior elements of the historic structure built in what is known as Prairie Cathedral Style.

The successful completion of the project called for a special event on February 11 – a hierarchical divine liturgy followed by a gala benefit luncheon.

The celebrants included Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak of Winnipeg and Bishop David Motiuk, eparch of Edmonton. Joining them were priests who currently or formerly served at St. Josaphat Cathedral, including the Very Rev. Father Stephen Wojcichowsky, procyncellus and chancellor; the Rt. Rev. William Hupalo, retired; the Rev. Peter Babej, cathedral rector; the Rev. Andrij Nykyforuk, assistant pastor of the cathedral; and the Rev. Terry Cherwick, military chaplain. Many lectors and altar servers participated in this well-attended bilingual liturgy.

Three young parishioners, Melania and Daria Antoszko and Danylo Kichma greeted Metropolitan Lawrence, formerly bishop of Edmonton, with the traditional bread and salt at the church entrance. The parish choir directed by Dr. Melanie Turgeon sang a particularly lovely liturgy that incorporated liturgical compositions by Oleksander Koshetz, Roman Hurko and Myron Fedoriv. “The Nicene Creed” was powerfully sung by tenor soloist Lyubomyr Pastuszenko.

In his homily, Metropolitan Lawrence recounted his happy childhood days at St. Josaphat, the parish where he began to develop love for his Church and God. He recalled how the cathedral was both a religious and community focal point. He was very happy to return to his spiritual home as bishop of the Edmonton Eparchy years later. Metropolitan Lawrence focused on the importance of maintaining the cathedral for future generation and continuing to build the parish community.

Following the liturgy, a gala fund-raising luncheon was held at the Ukrainian Youth Unity Complex. A sunny February day contributed to the celebratory atmosphere as arriving guests were entertained by the violin duet of Anastasia and Saoirse Cipko. The event’s master of ceremonies was Andrew Hladyshevsky, and welcoming remarks were presented by Pastoral Council Chairman Richard Doblanko. The opening prayer, “Our Father” arranged by contemporary Canadian-American composer Mr. Hurko, was masterfully sung by the Kapella Kyrie choir followed by a blessing delivered by the Rev. Nykyforuk.

Lidia M. Wasylyn

Daria and Melania Antoszko, and Danylo Kichma welcome Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak with bread and salt.

After the luncheon, Daniel Papirnik, chair of the restoration committee, offered interesting insights into this major restoration and recalled many anecdotes from the project. Preserving a storied historic landmark was a major endeavor.

To put matters in perspective, the cathedral honors the cooperation between the French Catholic community in Alberta and the newly arrived Ukrainians. Before Ukrainian clergy were able to come to Canada, French Bishop Émile-Joseph Legal with help from the Oblate Fathers looked after the spiritual needs of the Ukrainians. Bishop Legal provided land, and in 1904 a wooden church was constructed on the current site. Consecrated November 27, 1904, the feast day of St. Josaphat, the parish immediately became a cultural and community hub with a strong focus on education and service to the community. In 1913 the church was enlarged, and in 1938 ambitious work began for further development.

Father Philip Ruh, an architect, was hired to design and build the new church. He was a French Oblate priest who worked as a missionary among Canada’s Ukrainians. He successfully assimilated the spiritual sensibilities and aesthetic of the Ukrainians and developed the unique Canadian style called Prairie Cathedral Style.

St. Josaphat Cathedral is thought to be the most striking example of Father Ruh’s work in Alberta. An Alberta Culture historical assessment states, “St. Josaphat is the most grandiose example of Ruh’s work in Alberta, expressing the architect’s rich sense of historical continuity with the Byzantine traditions and his appreciation for Ukrainian Baroque ideals.”

Father Ruh went on to build nearly 40 other Ukrainian churches across Canada. Several of his churches, including St. Josaphat Cathedral, are designated municipal and provincial historic resources or National Historic resources.

Icon table centerpieces.

As recalled by Mr. Papirnik, the cathedral underwent some renovation in 1968, again in the early 1980s and 1990s. However, the current restoration involved major architectural and structural work so that the cathedral could withstand at least another 50 years. Mr. Papirnik, who has been involved in all of the previous renovations since 1968, said he believes the structure will be successfully preserved for generations to come.

The original cost estimate for the current renovation was just under $2 million and was expected to take up to five years to complete. The restoration committee was determined to shorten the timeline for completion and unwavering in its commitment to deliver the project under budget. With extremely close monitoring, excellent contractors, many volunteers and some divine providence, the restoration was completed in less than two years and under budget.

Mr. Papirnik presented certificates of appreciation to the contractors and craftsmen who provided outstanding work on the restoration and to the many volunteers who dedicated hundreds of hours of time and energy to the project.

Guests were treated to a wonderful mini-concert by the Kappella Kyrie Slavic Chamber Choir, with Dr. Turgeon, conductor. They performed selections by Mykola Dyletsky, Giovanni Palestrina, Roman Hurko, Maksym Berezovsky and Stefania Turkewicz.

In addition to a silent auction, a live auction was conducted by the master of ceremonies. Table centerpieces, consisting of an icon reproduction were raffled off at each table. All funds raised will be applied toward paying down a very significant mortgage.

During his final remarks, Bishop David presented the cathedral rector, the Rev. Babej with an icon to commemorate the re-dedication of this historic Ukrainian church. A closing prayer was led by the Rev. Babej.

First conceived 114 years ago and with the current structure erected 80 years ago, St. Josaphat Cathedral has served Ukrainian pioneers, immigrants and refugees. It has been the community and spiritual home for thousands of faithful. The current renovation looks to the future and will help preserve this historic house of worship for generations to come.

Lidia M. Wasylyn is vice-chair of the St. Josaphat Parish Council.