January 7, 2016

A new book for children


“Natalia’s Journey to the Land of the Fairies,” by Dzvinka Hayda. Trillium Forest Press, 2015. 30 pp. ISBN: 978-0-9779444-1-5, $21.95 U.S., $25.95 Can. 

Many children’s books, whether meant to be read aloud or by young readers, contain a scary “dark” element – a witch, an ogre, an evil stepmother. In contrast, “Natalia’s Journey to the Land of the Fairies,” written and illustrated by Dzvinka Hayda, contains nothing that might scare sensitive children.

“Natalia’s Journey” tells the tale of a young girl who has been told that fairies live in the nearby forest, and that if they find a human child they will keep her forever.  When she follows a red bird to the forest, Natalia makes friends with some fairies and has a wonderful time with them.

The book’s author, Ms. Hayda holds degrees in Waldorf Education and Child Development, and has taught children for 35 years.  During her teaching career, she told her students a story every day; she is now turning these stories into illustrated books for children. Ms. Hayda has also written and illustrated the Moonbeam award-winning book “Little Angel’s Journey.”

“Natalia’s Journey to the Land of the Fairies” is available online at amazon.com, or from the publisher, Trillium Forest Press, www.TrilliumForestPress.com.