October 21, 2016

A rare opportunity to hear the renowned Kyiv Chamber Choir


The Kyiv Chamber Choir.

TORONTO – From October 28 to November 6, the award-winning Kyiv Chamber Choir and their conductor/founder Mykola Hobdych will present nine concerts – one of the highlights of their 25th anniversary year.

For the first time, the choir will perform in Chicago, Boston and Cleveland. By popular demand, the choristers are returning for concerts in New York, Washington, Philadelphia, Toronto, Hartford, Conn., and Rochester, N.Y.

“Nobody leaves a Kyiv Chamber Choir concert without a smile and a lot of enjoyment – it’s a special occasion not to be missed,” said tour coordinator Oksana Komarnicky.

Twenty-one singers comprise one of the world’s great choirs. Each concert is a rare opportunity to hear the choir live – and to experience a performance unique in the world of music. For Ukrainians, the songs will be familiar, and they are performed with a skill and passion that is unmatched. For others in the audience, both the beauty and power of the choir’s repertoire – drawn from over 1,000 years of Ukrainian music history – is always a ‘hidden treasure’ to discover.

Music critics love the Kyiv Chamber Choir, as evidenced by past reviews. The New York Post wrote: “The Kyiv Chamber Choir achieved perfection – a remarkable performance.” The Washington Post said: “what singers they are.” Classical 96.3 FM’s description: “Just one word – superb!”

The choir’s last concerts in the U.S.A. and Canada were in 2011. Executive Producer Andrew Witer explained: “This concert tour will cost a lot. Concert tickets are generally around $45 – so the economics of choral music make it impossible to present this great choir in North America without the support of their many generous sponsors. A good turnout at the choir’s concerts would help future Kyiv Chamber Choir concert tours to be developed more frequently.”

In each city on their 2016 concert tour, the Kyiv Chamber Choir is receiving great support from schools, churches, organizations, media and individuals in the Ukrainian community. Many are selling concert tickets with a group discount and encouraging their members to enjoy this world-renowned choir when they perform in their city.

Information about each Kyiv Chamber Choir concert is available at www.platinumconcerts.com or by calling toll-free, at 1-844-466-2557. Concert tickets may be purchased through local community groups, online at www.ticketweb.com, at the toll-free number above or at the door of each concert venue.