October 23, 2020

About the fear of ‘radical socialism’


Dear Editor:

When I read Myron Kuropas’s column supporting the re-election of Donald Trump (October 18), I thought, for a moment, that I had accidentally stumbled upon an issue from 1968. Donald Trump has demonstrated over and over again in the course of four years that he is morally and intellectually unfit to hold public office. If the best argument for re-electing Mr. Trump is fear of “radical socialism,” then we have truly crossed into some sort of weird fantasy land. Mr. Trump is running against Joe Biden, not Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

I have one simple request. After the presidential elections, when Republicans, White House staffers and government officials begin to spill the most terrible secrets of Trump’s incompetence, corruption and depravity, please don’t say “but we didn’t know.” The evidence has been there all along for anyone who cared to look.

Olga Andriewsky