October 16, 2020

About Ukraine and true friends


Dear Editor:

Regarding Orest Deychakiwsky’s column about Joe Biden as an outstanding friend to Ukraine (August 30), I believe that, given Mr. Biden’s performance, his handlers will be in charge. Please let us know who his handlers are and what kind of friends they will be to Ukraine.

Crimea was stolen during Mr. Biden’s healthy vice-presidential years. Ukraine begged for help and got blankets instead of lethal weapons. Mr. Biden is on record as threatening Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor or else funds would be withheld. Mr. Biden’s son Hunter took millions from Ukraine.

Mr. Biden and corrupt politicians sold America’s jobs and got rich in office. Insanely, they blame a job-creating boss who has been in office a mere four years.

Socialists in the past and today tear down statues; they want to control speech, churches, economies, health care and industries, and blame the resulting disasters on others. JFK AND MLK would be appalled at what Mr. Biden’s party stands for today.

I cannot understand why some Ukrainians support this, knowing what our ancestors endured. My parents ran far away from socialists. No, a Biden presidency would not be outstanding for Ukraine.

Lydia Masnyj, Pharm. D.
North Royalton, Ohio