August 14, 2020

All Americans must be treated equally


Dear Editor:

The letters by Dr. Michael Karol and Dr. George Baranowskyj (July 26) calling the Black Lives Matter movement Marxist are clearly written from a place of deep fear. This is understandable given Soviet history, but the writers also betray their deep ignorance of American capitalism. The prejudice and structural racism faced by non-white people in America flies in the face of the so-called American values of self-reliance, equality and justice for all, and hurts the American Dream.

As president of an investment management firm who closely studies trends in global economics, it is unfortunately very clear that what we currently have in America is a distorted form of capitalism. In fact, it is a type of socialism for the powerful where large companies and old industries are protected at the expense of innovation and basic human rights.

BLM is not some sort of conspiracy or political statement. Treating all Americans well and equally, not just those with money or those with less melanin in their skin, is a big step towards reforming our economy towards strength and continued growth.

Sonia Kowal
Cambridge, Mass.