October 9, 2015

Answer these questions if you want my support!


There was a lack of emphasis on Russia’s terror in Ukraine during the recent Republican Party presidential contenders’ debate. Russia must be pleased.

True, several chided the current administration for its tepid response to President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine; even criticized U.S. participation in the dismantling of Ukraine’s nuclear capability. None, however, went as far as admitting that the U.S., and other signatories of the Budapest Memorandum, have a legal obligation to defend Ukraine after insisting it give up its nukes to the Russians. Now Russia is the ultimate threat to global peace and security as it deliberately advances its aggression.

Clearly, Ukraine does not carry the same weight with many as the ISIS terrorists, even though Russia is the more dangerous enemy. This is a grave mistake. Russia is now repeating the Ukraine scenario in Syria: a covert, and not so covert, military presence for the control of the state – all of this denied and couched in terms of global peace and security.

Elections are a key expression of citizens’ direction for their governments. The questions below were developed by the Canadian Group for Democracy in Ukraine and sent to the national party leaders of Canada aiming to win the federal elections on October 19.

Late last month, during the Canadian party leaders’ foreign policy debate, all three were on the same page regarding Ukraine. Prime Minister Stephen Harper summed it up: the Conservatives will never agree to the illegal annexation of Crimea nor recognize any illegal elections in the Donbas. The Liberal Leader, Justin Trudeau, said his party would do more: sanction more Russian oligarchs doing business in Canada.

The questions are applicable to democratic politicians worldwide. Do you know where your political representative stands on Ukraine? Ask and find out.

1) Russia’s aggression is of concern to the entire world. Russia wants to break the European Union and gradually impose its own authoritarian, corrupt, oligarchic system of government. Ukraine is the only country fighting in a real – not cold – war, defending democracy by standing up to President Vladimir Putin’s return to the Dark Ages of might is right and mafia criminality. How are you helping Ukraine win for democracy, for all of us?

2) How do you envisage operating in a world where Mr. Putin’s criminal regime – together with dictator-partners in Iran, Syria and elsewhere – walks over international law in order to gain advantage?

3) The cost of Russia’s 18 months of terror in southeastern Ukraine is estimated at some 7,000 dead; 6,000 soldiers, civilians and children missing – children are a particular target for kidnapping and removal to Russia to fill its population gap; and over 1.4 million displaced. Despite dictating the terms of the Minsk peace agreements, Russia has never adhered to them. What are your plans for dealing with Russia’s human catastrophe in Ukraine and Syria?

4) Your government provides assistance to Ukraine as a way of protecting our own peace and security. How does it plan to achieve ultimate victory for democracy over Russian aggression?

5) President Putin has repeatedly defied the Minsk agreements and accelerated the war on sovereign Ukraine. Will your government add him and Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov to the sanctions list?

6) It is estimated that Mr. Putin and his oligarchs – politicians who use state assets to enrich themselves – have hidden billions of dollars in the European Union and other global safe havens. Ukraine, bankrupted by oligarchs, must now rely on financial support from the IMF and other entities. How will your government ensure that the oligarchs’ assets, which rightfully belong to Ukraine, will be repatriated?

7) We know from past experience that too often international aid falls into corrupt hands. How will you ensure that assistance to Ukraine will be used as intended?

8) What policy changes will you seek from NATO vis-a-vis Ukraine’s defense against Russia, which seeks to destroy NATO?

9) Considering the ominous implications for global peace and security of actions by Russia and its rogue partners – Iran, Syria and others – will you stand up to Russia by increasing commitment to Ukraine’s military?

10) The Putin regime has abducted and imprisoned numerous prominent Ukrainians – among them are film producer Oleh Sentsov, who was sentenced to 20 years, and Oleksander Kolchenko, a political activist from Crimea, who got 10 years. Military pilot Nadiya Savchenko may get as much as 25 years as her condemnation of Russia’s criminality angers Mr. Putin. How will you deal with Russia – a signatory of international agreements – and its disregard for international law and human rights, and return to Stalin’s show trials?

Now, it’s your turn. Ask these questions, or make up your own, at political meetings, via social media, in e-mails; or by phoning the politicians.

This is your way of defending freedoms enjoyed in democracies like ours. Ukraine deserves the same. If you don’t ask, who will?