May 3, 2019

Answer Ukraine’s call for volunteers


Serhiy Hudak

GoCamp volunteers motivate kids to break their language barriers, and think creatively and critically.

Is volunteering on your bucket list? Combine your passion for travelling with making impact.

Here’s a program that you can be a part of right now: GoCamp.

The biggest volunteering program in Eastern Europe, which teaches children to speak English, French and German, GoCamp is about cultural exchange and solidarity with the world. In just three years, the program has connected over 144,000 Ukrainian schoolchildren between the ages of 10 and 15 with 800 trained foreign volunteers from 67 countries. 

The program aims to educate children as active citizens with global values and prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. International volunteers motivate kids to break their language barrier, think creatively and critically, be tolerant and communicate in multicultural environments. 

Here’s how Ukraine is bridging the artificial East-West divide with the help of foreign volunteers. Language and culture barriers disappear as the kids learn that the world outside of their homes is wonderful and worth discovering. When kids are more open-minded, they become more conscious of their surroundings and learn what they can do for their country. It is the next generation of Ukrainians who will have to overhaul the country. If we want to change the world, we have to inspire the kids. 

The program is organized by the Ukrainian NGO Global Office in partnership with British Council, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, as well as a number of other international organizations and embassies. GoCamp is also improved by EVS (European Voluntary Service).

Short-term and long-term options for volunteers are open for May, June, and August. Volunteers of different professions and backgrounds, as well as entire families are welcome to participate in GoCamp. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old; there is no upper age restriction. Check out details and apply here:

Olha Yurieva is PR manager of the GoGlobal initiative.