September 20, 2019

Appeals to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to resolve issue of state recognition of Plast


After Ukraine’s president rejected a law on state recognition of the Ukrainian scouting organization Plast, the Ukrainian World Congress, on September 4, and the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, on September 5, issued statements in support of Plast.


Ukrainian World Congress

On September 4, 2019, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy vetoed the law of Ukraine “On state recognition and support of Plast – National Scouting Organization of Ukraine.”

The Ukrainian World Congress (UWC) considers the adoption by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the Law “On state recognition and support of Plast – National Scouting Organization of Ukraine” as extremely important and timely.

“This law will not only be the foundation for the necessary support and development of the Plast scouting movement in the world and Ukraine particularly, but a basis for the national-patriotic education of children and youth, a powerful unifier for Ukraine and the diaspora, and a significant factor in nurturing and preserving the Ukrainian identity of Ukrainians in Ukraine and throughout the world,” stated UWC President Paul Grod.

Given the issues with the law adopted on May 30, 2019, as highlighted in the veto, the UWC appeals to the president of Ukraine to amend the legislation and resubmit the revised law to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for consideration as a priority. The UWC also appeals to the Verkhovna Rada to consider and adopt the Law in support of Plast.

The UWC and its member youth organizations are prepared to provide input to the president of Ukraine on revising the law. We anticipate a quick and effective resolution of this matter in cooperation with the president and Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.


Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), representing over 25 regional and national associations of Ukrainian Americans, and the interests of nearly 2 million Americans of Ukrainian descent, considers the adoption of Ukraine’s law “On state recognition and encouragement of the Plast National Scouting Organization of Ukraine” by Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) extremely relevant and important.

Passage and adoption of this legislation would not only help foster closer cooperation between Ukrainian and American youth; this legislation would also support the development of the global scouting movement, which includes scouts instructed and organized under the Plast banner. Furthermore, this law would assist in the preservation of Ukrainian identity of Ukrainians, as well as instill Ukrainian ideals in the upbringing of children.

Earlier, on June 20, 2019, the UCCA wrote a letter to the President of Ukraine in support for the law on State Recognition and Encouragement of the Plast National Scouting Organization of Ukraine.

If minor changes are needed in the text of the law adopted on May 30, 2019, in order to achieve final passage, the UCCA urges the Office of the President of Ukraine to prepare as quickly as possible a new version of the law with added amendments and submit it to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as a matter of urgency.

The UCCA, together with the Ukrainian World Congress (UWC), the international assembly of Ukrainian public organizations representing over 20 million people, and numerous NGOs throughout Ukraine and the world, stands ready to assist in the passage and ratification of this vital legislation. The UCCA hopes for swift and effective cooperation with the president of Ukraine and Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada in resolving the issue of state recognition of Plast, the National Scouting Organization of Ukraine.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Similar support for state recognition of Plast, the National Scouting Organization of Ukraine, was expressed by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress in a Ukrainian-language letter to President Zelenskyy dated June 21.