May 20, 2021

Archbishop Daniel released from the hospital, expresses gratitude for prayers and support


My Dear Clergy, Brothers and Sisters,
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Nearly a week ago, I asked you all to keep our God-loving Archbishop Daniel in your prayers over the following days because he had been hospitalized with severe pain in his abdomen. His Eminence had similar issues shortly after his arrival in the United States of America nearly 25 years ago, when he developed serious stomach pains because of the complete change of diet that he experienced at the time. It seems that this condition has once again occurred and had a serious effect on organs beyond just the stomach. The wonderful medical professionals at St. Barnabas-Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Somerville, N.J., extended an incredible effort in quickly diagnosing the problem and treating it aggressively over the past week.

Archbishop Daniel is discharged from the hospital today (May 12) and is recuperating comfortably. He expresses his profound gratitude to the hospital staff who treated him so thoroughly and successfully. Further, he expresses most sincere gratitude to all of you who not only prayed for him but reached out to him in many ways to express your love and support during this difficult time. Although he was heavily sedated during most of his hospitalization, he certainly felt that love, support and especially your prayers expressing such to me during my visits with him.

I personally thank you all for your support, your concern and your love exhibited during this difficult week. May our Loving Lord bless you and always enable your compassion to be manifested for all who need it throughout your lives. May the Grace of our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ, the Love of God the Father and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. You are in my prayers daily.

+ Antony, Metropolitan
of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. and the Diaspora