November 3, 2016

Are you a user, or a partner?


It’s that time of year when our community activities are in full swing in our respective “hromady.” The kids are back in school, the scouts are at their meetings, the dancers are attending their lessons, our organizations are holding their regular meetings, sports teams are busy at practices… There are scores of activities and events taking place in our communities: festivals, anniversary celebrations, lectures, concerts, fund-raising events, conferences and more. Sometimes it’s hard to find some free time!

These things don’t just happen on their own, magically appearing out of thin air. They are organized and supported by someone. Usually those “someones” in our Ukrainian American community are volunteers. Indeed, we’ve come to depend on their dedication, selflessness and kindness. But do we ourselves pitch in to help?

It must also be noted that many of these happenings are made possible by the financial support or in-kind contributions of organizations and institutions within our community. And we’ve come to not only depend on these types of donations, but we expect them. As if we’re somehow entitled! But are we ourselves supporters of such organizations and institutions by way of membership?

You know those Ukrainian scout meetings your children attend? Surely you realize that the scoutmasters are unpaid, that they conduct these activities because of their own worthwhile experiences in the organization as a way of paying it forward. Surely you know that the dues you pay to the scout organization are practically symbolic. They don’t come anywhere near to paying for such things as, say, rental of the space where the meetings are held each week.

How about those dance classes your kids attend. Yes, you pay a tuition fee for them. But do you realize that those classes could not be held if it wasn’t for a Ukrainian center that is the venue? Do you support that center with your own membership or contributions to support its existence? There are, after all, costs to run it and maintain it; furthermore, there might be a mortgage that has yet to be paid off. And where would we be without such facilities?

And here are some more examples of how we take so much for granted.

We always turn to the same organizations and institutions for financial support of all manner of worthwhile community endeavors. You know that wonderful festival your community just held? It was made possible, and successful, with the strong financial support of your Ukrainian credit union, among other sponsors. You know that great cultural event you just attended? The program book was printed by the Ukrainian National Association (a fraternal society that is this newspaper’s publisher) as its tangible donation to the event’s success. We could go on and on. The question is: Are you a member of that credit union? Of the UNA? The reason we ask is because these entities would not be able to do what they do to support our community without our membership.

Given all of the foregoing, then, the real question is to ask yourself is this: Are you simply a user or are you a partner in our Ukrainian community life?