June 2, 2017

Australia’s Ukrainian community applauds visiting U.S. senator’s statements on Russia


ESSENDON, Australia – Australia’s Ukrainian community is applauding U.S. Sen. John McCain for again warning the international community that the biggest threat to stability and international peace is Russia’s Vladimir Putin.

Speaking on the “7.30 Report” on Australian TV on May 29, Sen. McCain highlighted the fact Russian President Vladimir Putin is the free world’s greatest threat. “It is the Russians who have tried to destroy the very fundamental (basis) of democracy and that is to change the outcome of an American election,” Sen. McCain said.

The Arizona republican was visiting Australia for security talks; his short visit to the country was part of a tour of the Asia-Pacific region.

Sen. McCain also pointed to attempts by Mr. Putin to meddle with the French election, and the ongoing chaos in Ukraine.

“I see the Russians as the far greatest challenge that we have,” Sen. McCain stated.

“The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations (AFUO) reiterates the point it has made previously that Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea, the total disrespect for a country’s sovereignty, the snubbing of the Minsk accords are threats not only to Ukraine but to the international community,” AFUO Chairman Stefan Romaniw said.

“The bigger the Russian footprint in Ukraine the more dangerous and unstable the world becomes,” Mr. Romaniw noted. “Ukraine today is the beacon for highlighting Putin’s’ arrogance and disrespect for the world.”

“Australia’s Ukrainian community calls on the international community to follow Sen. McCain’s lead and call a spade, a spade. Putin is the biggest threat, Putin is the master of disinformation and Putin must be stopped in his tracks,” Mr. Romaniw underscored.

The AFUO called for stronger sanctions against Mr. Putin and his administration. It also urged the international community to provide Ukraine with the military aid required to end the Russian aggression in Ukraine.