Russia’s armed forces test combat readiness close to Ukraine’s border

Since Moscow’s annexation of Crimea in February-March 2014 and its subsequent involvement in destabilizing southeastern Ukraine, Russia’s Armed Forces frequently conduct force generation close to the border. In March, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered a snap inspection of combat readiness across Russia’s system of Joint Strategic Commands (Obyedinennyye Strategi­ches­koye Komandovanie – OSK)/Military Districts (MD), with the movement of troops and heavy equipment especially close to Ukraine’s border.

Holy Fire from Jerusalem arrives in Ukraine

KYIV – The Holy Fire from the annual miracle at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem that marks Christ’s Resurrection was brought to Ukraine on May 1 by Archbishop Agapit of Vyshhorod. The miracle in Jerusalem appears annually during the Holy Saturday services, which are led by the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, headed by Patriarch Theophilos III.

Memorandum of Partnership signed to create and develop phase two of the National Holodomor-Genocide Museum

KYIV – The Ministry of Culture and Informational Policy of Ukraine, the National Holodomor-Genocide Museum, the Ukrainian World Congress and the International Charitable Foundation of the Holodomor Museum signed a Memorandum of Partnership on April 22 to create and develop phase two of The National Holodomor-Genocide Museum with the intention of fully opening the museum for visitors in November 2023, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor.

Charges of high treason

On May 11 the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search of the Kyiv home of Viktor Medvedchuk, a Ukrainian oligarch, politician and millionaire who is widely regarded to be sympathetic to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Mr. Putin is, after all, godfather to Mr. Medvedchuk’s daughter and Mr. Medvedchuk has long been known to harbor sympathy for the Kremlin even before Ukraine’s ongoing war against pro-Russian and Russian-backed separatists began in the east of the country.

May 16, 1976

Forty-five years ago, on May 14-16, 1976, some 10,000 to 15,000 people from as far as Canada and California attended the inaugural Ukrainian Street Fair that was held on Seventh Street in Manhattan, between Second and Third Avenues in the neighborhood known as Little Ukraine.

Noted economist says Russia a corporation not a state and its regime can’t be destroyed, only outlasted

The Putin system is in certain respects “not a state in the traditional sense,” according to noted Russian economist and political commentator Vladislav Inozem­tsev. Instead, it is a corporation that acts to enrich a circle of people around the ruler however much that leads to the impoverishment of the people. But because it is a corporation rather than a state, it can’t be easily destroyed but must be outlasted.

An inconvenient reality

I recently observed a semi-academic conference regarding Ukraine’s security and the EU and NATO. The conference was academic in that it was hosted by an institution of higher learning, but only semi since none of the speakers or moderator were academics. This is a trend today to make academia seem more relevant.

Ukrainian Youth Association marks 75th anniversary in diaspora with flag world tour

MUNICH, Germany – The Ukrainian Youth Association (known by its Ukrainian acronym CYM) is celebrating 75 years since the re-establishment of the organization in the diaspora. As one of the many projects aimed to increase awareness and celebrate the anniversary, a world tour of the CYM commemorative flag was launched in Munich, Germany, on April 25 – exactly 75 years since the organization’s founding in the diaspora in 1946. The organization was originally founded in Ukraine in 1925.