October 30, 2020

Biden is worst choice for the U.S., Ukraine


Dear Editor:

Two opinion pieces in the October 18 issue underscored that “actions speak louder than words.” One quoted the “I like Putin and he likes me” remark made by Donald Trump and reminisced about Ukraine’s historical quest for freedom, which touched my Ukrainian soul but did not convince of much else. The other enumerated the assistance for Ukraine that President Trump has provided. The latter impressed me, the former did not.

Arguing about Mr. Trump’s “motives” is hypothetical and moot at best. Concrete results are what matter. Obama-Biden had lethal aid approval from Congress for over a year but sent those infamous blankets instead. Also, Mr. Trump’s review did not delay aid to Ukraine by a single day.

Mr. Trump may be rough, a New Yorker, but he delivered lethal aid, Black Sea assistance, uninterrupted sanctions, and never recognized the takeover of Crimea or the Donbas.

Just as President Barack Obama said that he could be “more flexible after the election,” Mr. Trump would have been foolhardy to openly alienate Vladimir Putin during his own presidency. Obama-Biden did, however, tell Ukraine to “stand down” and not defend Crimea. In contrast, Ukraine has not lost any further territory since Mr. Trump’s inauguration.

Mr. Trump is now a known entity. Mr. Biden is mostly talk. In truth, Mr. Biden is the worst possible choice for the U.S., Ukraine and the entire free world.

Elizabeth Baran
Saratoga Springs, N.Y.