September 25, 2020

Biden presents the best choice


Dear Editor:

I write in response to Myron Kuropas’s column (August 23) not because I question his knowledge of early 20th century Ukrainian American history but because he seems to be stuck there, inferring that today’s Ukrainian American Democrats and supporters of Joe Biden are socialists. This makes no more sense than saying that Republicans who vote for Donald Trump are fascists and white supremacists. Both accusations are equally ridiculous.

Never have we had a president so unable to put together a stable group of Cabinet members and advisors or formulate a coherent foreign policy toward Ukraine or any of our allies. Never have we seen anything like the growing list of felony convictions of presidential associates while prominent members of the president’s own party publicly declare their vote for the opposing candidate. This is the party of Trump now.

Ask yourself which candidate will more likely: Work to see that our government is serving all of our interests? Assemble the brightest minds to get a grip on COVID? Formulate a health-care plan? Bring together a cohesive group of officials and advisors to deliver more peace and less hunger to Americans and to the rest of the world?

In my view, Mr. Trump has proven again and again that he is not up to any of these tasks. He has done far more to divide and belittle than to heal and lead. Mr. Biden presents the best choice for an economy that benefits more of us, and a domestic and foreign policy that best promotes freedom and democracy.

Steve Lann