May 13, 2016

Bilingual book of Ukrainian sermons presented at La Salle University


At the book launch of “Seeds of Wisdom. Sermons for Sundays and Holy Days” (from left) are: Prof. Nicholas Rudnytzky, George Hura and Prof. Leonid Rudnytzky.

PHILADELPHIA – The Department of Foreign Languages and the master’s program in Central and Eastern European Studies at La Salle University on April 5 sponsored a book launch of a 440-page bilingual (English-Ukrainian) volume authored by a Ukrainian priest, Jurij Kmit (1872-1946), titled “Seeds of Wisdom. Sermons for Sundays and Holy Days.”

More than 70 people, students, faculty and administrators, attended this event. The sermons were translated into English by Profs. Leonid Rudnytzky and Nicholas Rudnytzky, who also wrote the introduction to the book. It is illustrated by artist George Hura, the grandson of Father Kmit.

The bilingual introduction, titled “Jurij Kmit: Priest, Patriot, Man of Letters,” offers a brief biography of Father Kmit and analyzes his literary and homiletic works, his profound faith and patriotism, and his love for culture and scholarship. As the professors note, the paths interwoven into Father Kmit’s sermons often take myriad unexpected turns with dramatic results. Ultimately, his message is rather straightforward: love God, love your country, and love your fellow man.

The program was opened by the chair of the Foreign Language Department, Dr. Victoria Ketz.

Her remarks were followed by a Power-Point presentation featuring the historical background of the Boyko region of Ukraine by Prof. Nicholas Rudnytzky and a lengthy commentary on the process of translation of Father Kmit’s sermons by Prof. Leonid Rudnytzky.

Mr. Hura offered a moving personal statement about his grandfather and thanked La Salle University for the well-organized book launch.

A question and answer period by students and faculty concluded the day’s program.

The book is intended for a broad audience: young families, graduates of religious and secular schools, priests, teachers, professors and all who care about the national and spiritual upbringing of the next generation. Biographical notes and memories by Mr. Hura serve as an opportunity to properly acknowledge the value of Father Kmit’s pastoral and social work, which set a brick at the beginning of the 20th century in the foundation of Ukraine’s independence.

The publication is distributed by the St. Sophia Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics, based in Elkins Park, Pa.