April 24, 2015

Binghamton Ukrainians rally for Ukraine


Some of the participants of the rally for Ukraine near Binghamton University’s Anderson Theater.

BINGHAMTON, N.Y. – Seeing the extensive advertising in the local newspaper and on TV stations promoting a performance of the Russian ballet, Stephan Wasylko of the Binghamton branch of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America said, “We cannot simply stand by and watch as Russians dance in our community, while the killing of innocent men, women and children in Ukraine continues and the threat to the very existence of a free and independent Ukraine increases as a result of Russia’s terrorist aggression in Ukraine and Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea.”

The Binghamton community had about four days to organize a what was dubbed a Rally for Freedom, Dignity and Peace in Ukraine. The goal of this rally was to show support for Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and expose Vladimir Putin’s propaganda. The occasion was the Russian National Ballet Theater’s performance of “Sleeping Beauty” at Binghamton University’s Anderson Theater on Tuesday, April 14.

This rally was cleared with the university’s Campus Police. As cars drove in through the main BU entrance, there were 11 large signs spaced about 15 feet apart. At each sign, a rally participant waved to the cars. Between some of the signs stood individuals waving Ukrainian flags.

It was pleasant when the drivers slowed down, read the signs, honked their car horns or signaled back. Some BU students stopped, chatted and joined the rally.

The local TV and radio news stations covered the rally and interviewed Mr. Wasylko, a active member of the UCCA who was one of the organizers of the rally, and the Rev. Teodor Czabala of Sacred Heart Ukrainian Catholic Church.