September 30, 2016

Bravo to Ukraine’s Paralympians


Dear Editor:

Wow! Someone is doing something right in Ukraine – one Ukrainian program is definitely succeeding. It is fantastic and astounding what Ukrainian Paralympians accomplished in Rio.

Out of the 76 countries winning medals, Ukrainian Paralympians won 117, coming in third place, while beating such powerhouses as Germany, France, Italy and the U.S.A. Back in 2012, Paralympians from Ukraine won 84 medals, attaining sixth place among 76 countries.

It takes trainers, facilities, dedicated participants, funds and especially determination to achieve such outstanding results on the international stage. This achievement gives hope to future Ukrainian Paralympians.

Maybe Ukraine’s politicians should take their example and try to discipline themselves to run their country as the Ukrainian Paralympians do on the world scene.

I wish them well and offer congratulations to everyone involved in the Paralympic program.

Slava Ukraini! Slava to Ukraine’s Paralympians!

Venice, Fla.