November 15, 2019

British Columbia adopts Holodomor Memorial Act


OTTAWA – The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) welcomed the adoption by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia of Bill M225, Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day Act.

The bill, introduced by BC Green Party Leader Andrew Weaver, passed its third reading unanimously on October 29. Royal assent was expected later that week.

“Thank you to Mr. Weaver for introducing this act, which recognizes the Holodomor as a Genocide of the Ukrainian people, and officially establishes the fourth Saturday of November as the Holodomor Memorial Day in British Columbia,” stated Natalie Jatskevich, president of the UCC’s British Columbia Provincial Council. “We commend the government of BC and all members of the BC Legislative Assembly for their support of this important recognition. Through honoring the millions of victims of the Holodomor, let us work together to ensure that such horrendous crimes are never repeated.”

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress congratulated the UCC British Columbia Provincial Council and the Ukrainian community of British Columbia for their persistent work in ensuring the adoption of this important legislation.

In 2008, the government of Canada recognized the Holodomor as an act of Genocide against the Ukrainian people and established the fourth Saturday of November as the National Ukrainian Famine and Genocide (Holodomor) Memorial Day. The provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec have adopted similar legislation.