July 31, 2015

Canadian groups release publication “Holodomor: The Ukrainian Genocide”


The large-format publication (8.5 by 13 inches, 160 pages, illustrated, color), which carries the same title as the exhibit, was published by Homin Ukrainy (Ukrainian Echo) Publishing Co. The project was conceived to convey the historical facts of the genocide perpetrated by the Stalin regime against the Ukrainian people in 1932-1933.

The material on the Famine-Genocide presented in the book is presented in the context of Soviet empire-building in the 1920s and 1930s, and the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948).

The publication comprehensively covers the following key aspects of the Holodomor: communism and the national question in Ukraine; collectivization; destruction of Ukrainian farmers and its consequences; resistance to collectivization and Soviet rule; why, how and by whom the Holodomor was organized; Holodomor losses; testimonies of eyewitnesses and survivors; cover-up and denial of the Holodomor; protests and attempts at relief; the issue of worldwide awareness of the Holodomor; the Holodomor in publications; Holodomor recognition and its legal assessment as a crime of genocide.

Presented are key Soviet documents and numerous official pronouncements by Soviet leaders directly responsible for the Holodomor.

This user-friendly book can serve both as a teaching and learning tool, and as a source of information for all who are interested in the subject.

All proceeds from the sale of the book are intended solely to cover production expenses and continued research on the Holodomor.

The book may be ordered from the Ucrainica Research Institute, 9 Plastics Ave., Toronto, ON M8Z 4B6 Canada; telephone, 416-516-2443 or 416-516-8223; website, www.holodomoreducation.org. The price of the book, including shipping, is $52.50 (Canadian) or $48.50 (U.S.). For bulk orders of 10 or more copies, call 416-516-8223.