March 8, 2019

Carpathian Ski Club holds 65th annual races



Participants of the Carpathian Ski Club’s 2019 races during the awards dinner.

HUNTER, N.Y. – The Carpathian Ski Club, known by its Ukrainian acronym as KLK, conducted its 65th annual races at Hunter Mountain on Saturday, March 2, in what were deemed excellent ski conditions. 

Christa Kozak (left) and Natalia Wojcickyj were the top women skiers age 55-59.

Fifty-one competitors participated in this family-friendly event that welcomed skiers and snowboarders ranging in age from 3 to over 75.

Vera Hrab (right), the fastest female skier of the 2019 races, is congratulated by the 2018 winner of the traveling trophy, Talia Pawluk.

Later that day, a dinner and awards ceremony were held at Villa Vosilla in nearby Tannersville, N.Y. Attending were racers and their families, as well as members and supporters of the Carpathian Ski Club. Many came attired, as suggested, in Ukrainian embroidered shirts and blouses – now a KLK tradition.

The youngest champions of the 2019 ski races: 3-year-old Kaya Mykyta, and her brother, Zorian Mykyta, 6.

A moment of silence was observed at the beginning of the evening in honor of KLK member Roman Hawrylak, who passed away in 2018 at the age of 99. 

The program was opened by Andrew Hadzewycz, president of the Carpathian Ski Club. As Roma Hadzewycz announced the winners in each age group of competitors, trophies and medals were presented by the KLK leadership, including Vice-President Eri Palydowycz and skiing director Orest Fedash.

Top skiers among men age 45-50, Ihor Pawluk (left) and Vasyl Hotsko.

Special traveling trophies were awarded to the fastest female and male skiers (no repeat winners are allowed), whose names were announced by Mr. Fedash. Vera Hrab received her trophy from last year’s winner, Talia Pawluk. Andrey Mykyta accepted his trophy from Nestor Blyznak, the father of last year’s winner, Mark Blyznak.

Rocco Vena, champion among boys 14 and under, receives his award from KLK Vice-President Eri Palydowycz.

At the conclusion of the program, Mr. Hadzewycz cited the financial support pledged by three Ukrainian credit unions – Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union (Philadelphia) and Nova UA Federal Credit Union (Clifton, N.J.). He also thanked the race registration committee composed of Adia Fedash, Christine Klufas and Ms. Hadzewycz.

Finally, it was announced that the 2020 ski races will take place at Hunter Mountain on February 29, a date certainly easy to remember as 2020 is a Leap Year.

The fastest male skier of the 2019 races, Andrey Mykyta (center), with Nestor Blyznak, father of last year’s winner of the traveling trophy, and Orest Fedash, KLK skiing director.