August 31, 2018

CEEC Advocacy Week to begin September 17


WASHINGTON – During the week of September 17, The Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) will hold an advocacy week in Washington. This endeavor is especially timely and critical considering the recent NATO summit.

NATO remains salient to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) to deter threats from the Russian Federation. CEE members in NATO provide key support and a rising number (Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania) are providing 2 percent of their GDP towards defense spending to address the new realities. Nevertheless, the Eastern flank of Europe remains exposed to the Putin regime’s continuous aggressive disregard for international law and attempts to disrupt the post-World War II liberal international order. 

The goal for this advocacy week is to encourage members of Congress to continue their support for the CEE region. Specific items include supporting the recently introduced Defending American Security from Kremlin Aggression Act 2018 (S. 3336) and full implementation of all existing sanctions legislation; continued support for military cooperation with CEE nations; enhancing military assistance to nations occupied by Russia; and reaffirming U.S. support for Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia in their efforts to retain political sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

The CEEC encourages the active participation of all our communities in promoting the need for greater U.S. foreign policy engagement in Central and Eastern Europe. This advocacy week will provide an opportunity for members of our communities to meet and advocate issues of mutual interest.

For further information, readers may contact the CEEC via e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone at 301-340-1954.

Established in 1994, the Central and Eastern European Coalition is composed of 18 nationwide organizations representing more than 20 million Americans who trace their heritage to that part of the world.