February 12, 2015

Chicago community honors Rep. Marcy Kaptur


Oksana Khanas

Dr. Alex Strilchuk, president of the UCCA Illinois Division, presents award to Rep. Marcy Kaptur.

Sen. Durbin, Reps. Davis and Quigley join tribute

CHICAGO – On January 25, Chicago’s Ukrainian community honored senior member of Congress Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) in a tribute hosted by the local division of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America. The tribute was part of the annual Ukrainian Unity Day, commemorating the anniversary of January 22, 1918-1919, when Ukrainians declared independence and a year later united the nation’s east and west in a manifestation of independence in Kyiv.

In the packed hall of Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Cultural Center, the audience welcomed senior Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), and Reps. Danny Davis (D-Ill.) and Mike Quigley (D-Ill.), who have continuously supported Ukraine’s struggle for independence and U.S. aid to Ukraine. They welcomed Rep. Kaptur in Chicago and congratulated her on the award. Greetings to the congresswoman and support for the people of Ukraine were also sent by Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

Rep. Kaptur was recognized for her role as the co-chair of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, her commitment to democracy and rule of law in Ukraine, her support of the Ukrainian American community, and her steadfast work in the introduction and passage of the landmark Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, overwhelmingly adopted by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama.

The masters of ceremonies of the event were Dr. Maria Korkatsch-Groszko and Rostyslav Saciuk. Awards for dedication to community work were presented to Dr. Vira Bodnaruk and Jaroslaw Sydorenko. Andrew Fedynsky was recognized for his work with the Ukrainian Museum-Archives in Cleveland and for promoting Ukrainian interests. A special recognition was given to Olga Fedak for many years of dedication to the UCCA.

Mr. Fedynsky listed Rep. Kaptur’s many accomplishments through the years, her key role in the passage by Congress of the Holodomor resolution in 1998, and her familiarity through the years with governance issues and living conditions in Ukraine.

Rep. Kaptur has visited her ancestral roots in the Khmelnytsky Oblast since the days before Ukraine’s independence. During the Maidan revolution she witnessed the protests with Vice-President Joe Biden and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). In her keynote address, she commented on her admiration for the people of Ukraine, who risk their lives to defend their dignity, the future of their children and their territory, and stated her position supporting Ukraine at this time of crisis.

Rep. Kaptur, Sen. Durbin, and Reps. Davis and Quigley addressed the community on the urgency of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the dangerous escalation of hostilities in recent days, as well as other key issues.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (left) and (from right) Sen. Dick Durbin, Rep. Mike Quigley and Rep. Danny Davis at the banquet.

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (left) and (from right) Sen. Dick Durbin, Rep. Mike Quigley and Rep. Danny Davis at the banquet.

Robert Rusiecki, deputy consul general of Poland in Chicago and the honorary consul of Lithuania, also attended the event and greeted Rep. Kaptur on her award, assuring the community that Poland and Lithuania stand with Ukraine at this time of Russian aggression. Representatives of the Polish, Estonian and Lithuanian communities attended the event.

After the event at the Consulate General of Ukraine, in an important gesture of respect and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, Rep. Kaptur signed the book of condolences for the victims of the most recent attack on civilians by Russian terrorists. Previously, on January 16, Sen. Durbin had visited the Consulate to pay his respects to the Ukrainian victims of Russian-sponsored terrorism.

Organizers noted that the participation of senior members from both houses of Congress at the Ukraine Unity Day event is especially important at this time when a new Russian military offensive was launched against Ukraine.

U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Powers and Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Daniel Baer confirmed that the recent escalation in fighting is a turning point in the conflict.

During the event honoring Rep. Kaptur, the community appealed to the members of Congress to send a message to the White House and the State Department to implement the operative provisions of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act to halt and reverse the illegal Russian aggression. In a private meeting with the members of Congress, community representatives called for President Obama to act upon his State of the Union statement, “We’re upholding the principle that bigger nations can’t bully the small – by opposing Russian aggression, and supporting Ukraine’s democracy, and reassuring our NATO allies.”

Community leaders further requested the members of Congress to convey to the administration that the U.S. needs to supply Ukraine with meaningful military assistance so that it could defend itself from Russian military invasion in its eastern territories, so that it can secure its territory and build a democratic state. They emphasized that the threat of Russia is not only a concern for Ukrainian security, but it poses a threat to Western security as well.

Since the event, this position has been confirmed and expressed by Michele Flournoy, former deputy secretary of defense; Ivo Daalder, former NATO ambassador who is president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Strobe Talbott, former deputy secretary of state who is president of the Brookings Institution; Steven Pifer, former ambassador to Ukraine; and others. There is a bipartisan push for U.S. support of Ukraine’s government and its request for military aid so that the Ukrainian people can have a fair chance to defend themselves against Russian invasion.

The message conveyed to the members of Congress who honored the community with their attendance was: Russia’s war rages on in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s escalation is his tactic for staying in and consolidating power. Russia wants to dictate the terms of engagement with Ukraine, but also with Europe and the United States. Russia breaks international rules with impunity and scorns the world’s leaders. The United States and Europe should not expect a magical reversal of this aggression, and should help Ukraine in the current confrontation that threatens the Western world.

The event was well attended by major local media and covered on local TV newscasts.