October 30, 2020

Conflicting opinions in October 18 issue


Dear Editor:

Jaroslaw Martyniuk’s “An encounter with two Trump haters” tells a story about a husband and wife, both scientists who came from socialist Poland and worked for our government. They hated Donald Trump’s personality; they voted for him because he lived up to his promises. The Obama-Biden administration made Poland less secure. It was President Trump who reinstalled the Patriot defense missile system and relocated U.S. and NATO troops to Poland’s border. NATO now has to carry its own weight financially and militarily.

President Trump loves all of his adversaries. With China, Korea, Russia and other countries, he successfully uses the carrot-and-stick approach. His biggest blunder was not draining the swamp on day one. Generals and other officials haven’t gotten over the fact that he fired them. They forgot that they serve at the pleasure of the president.

Askold Lozynskyj is reliving the past in “Treachery and Trump.” Ukrainians have learned little from their bittersweet history. They never can unite behind one leader. They are still reliant on someone else instead of carving out their own destiny. Instead of hating Mr. Trump maybe they should learn from him and love him.

Mr. Lozynskyj, you call us traitors? Because we defend our Constitution and Bill of Rights? Mr. Lozynskyj, when will you come out of the dark ages and start loving America? In this election we’re standing up for America.

One should judge a man by his actions not his words.

Bohdan Kniahynyckyj
La Mesa, Calif.