August 17, 2018

Congrats on issue dated August 5


Dear Editor:

Just received the August 5 issue of The Ukrainian Weekly, which I read with great interest pretty much from cover to cover. I especially enjoyed the wonderful article by Mark Raczkiewycz about the Kyivan Rus’ structures and artifacts unearthed during excavation at site intended for an underground mall in Ukraine’s capital. 

I also enjoyed the excellent editorial about Spirit Lake Cemetery and the efforts of Canada’s Ukrainians to preserve a historical landmark, the final resting place of Ukrainian immigrants deemed “enemy aliens” and sent to the Spirit Lake camp in the post-World War I era. 

The other articles in this issue of The Weekly provided the usual comfortable blend of information about current events in Ukraine, news about assorted religious and diplomatic endeavors and activities, and interesting and sometimes surprising notes about diaspora community life (who knew there was a “vibrant Ukrainian community in North Dakota”?). Kudos to the editor and authors for entertaining and edifying. 

Abington, Pa.