November 3, 2016

Congress hasn’t forgotten Putin’s war on Ukraine


Dear Editor:

While much attention has been focused in recent months on Russian aggression in Syria and the greater Middle East, it is important to note that members of Congress have not forgotten Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine and his annexation of Crimea.

Russia’s continuing violent behavior against Ukraine’s sovereign territory, and its people, must be considered a serious threat to the West. As such, we need to ensure that the United States continues to provide significant financial and military assistance to Ukraine and our European partners. Unfortunately, this support for Ukraine has not always been shared by the Obama administration.

The House of Representatives recently passed HR 5094, the Stability and Democracy (STAND) for Ukraine Act. This legislation further tightens sanctions on Russia and rejects any form of recognition of Russian rule over Crimea, as was American policy toward the 50-year Soviet occupation of the Baltic States. The bill also promotes investment in Ukraine and directs the State Department to implement a strategy to respond to Russian propaganda and disinformation, long overdue.

Additionally, the Fiscal Year 2017 Defense Appropriations bill I drafted as chairman of the Defense Appropriations Committee supports the deployment of additional U.S. military forces – ground troops, attack aircraft and naval presence – across Europe. My bill also includes $3.4 billion for the European Reassurance Initiative (ERI), a fourfold increase from current funding levels. This funding builds on the efforts and resources that the Congress provided last year to shore up the defenses of NATO members and our non-NATO partners in the region, including Ukraine, that feel most threatened by Russia’s actions. These dollars will continue increased capability, presence, readiness and responsiveness to deter further destabilization in Central and Eastern Europe.

Specifically, my bill provides an additional $150 million above the ERI requested levels in a “General Provision” for Ukraine, including explicit support for “lethal weapons of a defensive nature.”

There must be no doubt that the United States is committed to our Eastern European allies and to Ukraine.


The letter-writer represents the 11th District of New Jersey in the U.S. Congress.