August 7, 2015

Congressional delegation led by Pelosi visits Kyiv


KYIV – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and members of a congressional delegation on August 5 visited the Maidan, where they placed flowers on a memorial for the Heavenly Brigade. During their visit to Ukraine’s capital they also met with President Petro Poroshenko and other leaders.

Members of the delegation, all Democrats, were Reps. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut, Anna Eshoo of California, Chellie Pingree of Maine, David Cicilline of Rhode Island, Cedric Richmond of Louisiana and Marc Veasey of Texas.

A release from the Democratic minority leader’s office noted that the congressional delegation was focused on national, economic and energy security.

The members of Congress met with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Secretary of the National Security Defense Council Oleksandr Valentynovych, members of the Verkhovna Rada and Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko, as well as civil society and business leaders.

Also present at a meeting with President Poroshenko were Foreign Affairs Minister Pavlo Klimkin and the chair of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Foreign Affairs, Hanna Hopko.

Mr. Poroshenko particularly emphasized the important role of the U.S. Congress in supporting the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine, and assisting the country in the enhancement of defense capability, implementation of internal reforms and stabilization of its economic situation. He also expressed hope for such support in the future.

The U.S. delegation and Ukrainian leaders exchanged views on the fulfillment of the Minsk agreements and the efforts of Ukraine aimed at ending Russian aggression. President Poroshenko noted the necessity of further steps toward de-escalation of the situation and the implementation of measures previously agreed by the parties in the security, humanitarian and political spheres.

In a statement at a press availability on the Maidan, Rep. Pelosi said:

“It is with great humility that our delegation comes to Maidan. We observed from afar the courage, the self-determination of the people of Ukraine to have a more democratic, open, transparent society. So, we come in solidarity with them. We come in sympathy for those who lost their lives speaking out for freedom. We come with great sadness, great sadness as to how this could possibly happen. We come with great respect for the Revolution of Dignity. What a great phrase – it could apply to everything, every aspiration for respect in the world. And we come with interest as to how we can identify more closely, help more seriously the Ukrainian people. Hearing about it, seeing it in the press and the media, it really hit us very hard. But coming here is really transformative in our gaining of understanding of the courage, of the courage, of the values, of the idealism of mostly young people taking responsibility for their future.”

Asked by a reporter about the next steps to support an international tribunal on the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, Rep. Pelosi responded: “…when Russia vetoed the U.N. Security Council resolution… that would make one suspicious or ask the question ‘why?’ Why would there not be the interest of everyone on an organization called the Security Council of the United Nations to have an investigation that would lead to the truth? And that’s what people need to hear: the truth. And that’s what’s so important – taking us back to here. This is about shedding light about the angels, the heroes and the Heavenly Hundred – identified in so many ways for their courage to shed light on the need for more transparency and more light here. We need the truth. We need more light shed on the cause of that terrible, terrible tragedy. And, of course, we support a global investigation. It’s my understanding now that the Dutch government is taking the lead on it, but I think we can do more.”

Sources: Office of the Democratic Leader, Presidential Administration of Ukraine.