February 28, 2015

Congressional Ukrainian Caucus leaders’ resolution urges more U.S. support for Ukraine


WASHINGTON – Congressional Ukrainian Caucus co-chairs Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.), Sander Levin (D-Mich.) and Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) marked the first anniversary of Ukraine’s Euro-Maidan demonstrations on February 24 by introducing a resolution calling for increased American economic and governmental involvement on the behalf of Ukraine.

The resolution calls for the United States to assist Ukraine with economic, social and governmental reform efforts; urges President Barack Obama to immediately act on approved financial and defensive military aid; and encourages Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to continue anti-corruption efforts.

“A year ago, the people of Ukraine rallied behind the ideas of economic and governmental reform during the Euro-Maidan demonstrations; today, the United States must take action to see their goals achieved,” said Rep. Fitzpatrick. “This bipartisan resolution calls on Congress and the White House to work in the best interest of our friend and ally, Ukraine, and support a safe and sovereign nation through common sense measures: Supporting serious reform efforts, calling on President Obama to follow through with the provision of financial and defensive military aid, and encouraging the continuation of anti-corruption efforts in Kyiv.”

“On the anniversary of Maidan, this resolution underscores our solidarity with the Ukrainian people and their efforts to chart their own history. We must fully implement the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014, including providing defensive weapons. In spite of the fragile Minsk Agreement, Ukraine still needs our help to find a solution to a durable cease-fire that can lead to a longer-term solution,” said Rep. Levin. “We all know that while there is no pure military solution to what is a political problem, additional U.S. military assistance can help promote a political solution. The Ukrainian people have shown their resolve to build a free and democratic country, and we should support them in achieving that goal.”

“Ukraine is a sovereign nation at a crossroads, fighting for its life and the freedom of its people. Actions we take now will shape the future not only for the people of Ukraine but for all of Europe. This legislation makes a clear and resounding statement that the United States supports the right of free and sovereign people to defend themselves against illegal and violent aggression from beyond their borders,” said Rep. Kaptur. “The Euro-Maidan demonstrations one year ago today showed the world that a spirit of liberty burns brightly among the Ukrainian people. It is that same spirit that I saw reflected in the eyes of the Ukrainian Members of Parliament who came to Congress to ask for our help. I urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to adopt this legislation without delay.”