June 18, 2021

Contact Congressional representatives


Dear Editor:

Ukraine’s struggle to finally separate from Russia continues even as multiple other events and issues compete for the world’s attention. This is understandable but worrisome for Ukraine as it works to maintain international support for this effort. We, the Ukrainian diaspora, search for ways to contribute to Ukraine’s fight for security. Two recent articles in The Weekly (June 10) – a commentary by Askold Lozynskyj on the slow process of preparing Ukraine for NATO admission and a news article by Mark Raczkewicz describing [Ukrainian] President [Volodymyr] Zelenskyy’s frustration with only tepid support from its major allies for Ukraine’s battle to maintain its territorial integrity – underscore this problem. Moments such as this call for all of us to speak out as loudly and frequently as we can, starting with contacting our congressmen and senators. Across the United States, Ukraine has received strong support over the years from Democrats and Republicans alike. This is the time to thank them and to ask them to once again advocate for Ukraine. It’s easy, quick and surprisingly effective.

Please do this today!
