July 16, 2021

Coordinated action is urgently needed to press Biden on Ukraine


Dear Editor:

I commend Askold Lozynskyj’s logical and deductive reasoning in his article “What time is it?” in the June 13 issue of The Ukrainian Weekly. His article included a call to action in the last paragraph for our Ukrainian diaspora “to rise, demand a White House meeting with the president himself (not some surrogate), voice their discontent (to put it mildly) and insist on better behavior by their own president.” This call to action is so urgent, so timely, especially since U.S. President Joe Biden even now is planning to cancel Captive Nations Week. Call it systemic stupidity.

The group most likely to succeed in getting through to Mr. Biden (along with Andriy Futey, who is the president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America) would be the chief organizers of the committee that helped elect Mr. Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in 2020, or better yet all the hundreds of signatories on those full-page ads in The Ukrainian Weekly. This delegation should project our issues forcefully, and the Biden administration should show some backbone and show that it’s serious about standing up for America’s vital friends in Eastern Europe.

Also, in order to strengthen our Ukrainian position, we should get a coalition and enlist our neighbor countries to join us. That coalition should include Poland, the three Baltics states, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Moldova and Georgia. Such a group would project some clout! Using Mr. Biden’s own words from his July 4 speech, “we can do it, but we have to do it together.” The time is now!

Osprey, Fla.