October 13, 2017

Council of Europe’s rights chief decries abuses, says Russia ‘only country not cooperating’


“The worst thing we can do to the people of Crimea is to leave them in isolation from the broader world.”

– Nils Muiznieks, human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe.

PRAGUE – The Council of Europe’s human rights chief says there is a “lot of work to do” in Russia as he criticized Moscow’s lack of cooperation amid reports of rights abuses in Chechnya and Russia-occupied Crimea.

“Russia is the only country that has not cooperated with my office in the last couple of years; every other country has cooperated,” said Nils Muiznieks, the human rights commissioner of the Council of Europe, which has 47 member countries.

“And I would like to see that [uncooperativeness] change. I think there is a lot of work to do in Russia,” he told RFE/RL in an interview in Prague on September 26.

Mr. Muiznieks called reports in recent months alleging the abuse, torture and killing of gay men in Chechnya “very, very disturbing.” He said Russia’s Investigative Committee was playing its role and that the country’s ombudswoman, Tatiana Moskalkova, had just visited Chechnya and met with its controversial leader, Ramzan Kadyrov.

“[Moskalkova is] determined to get to the bottom it,” he said.

“I think the Investigative Committee and the ombudswoman have both played their role. The problem is more the broader sense of lawlessness in the North Caucasus, in general, and in Chechnya, in particular,” said Mr. Muiznieks.

“It’s not only lesbians and gays who are persecuted in Chechnya, it’s human rights defenders and journalists and others,” he said. “So there’s a broader issue of impunity for human rights violations in that region.”

The comments by the Council of Europe’s rights chief come amid the bizarre case of Chechen singer Zelimkhan Bakayev, who vanished shortly after flying from Moscow to the Chechen capital, Grozny, on August 8.

Crimea Violations

Mr. Muiznieks also said he was deeply concerned by reports of human rights violations in Ukraine’s Crimean region, which Russia invaded and illegally annexed in 2014.

Russian officials have barred Mr. Muiznieks from visiting Crimea since a 2014 trip.

“[Russian officials] were very unhappy with the report I published afterwards,” he said. “I have not been able to go there in recent years, but the report that was just published by the U.N. very much coincides with my monitoring of the situation from afar,” he said.

The U.N. Human Rights Office report, issued on September 25, said the situation in Crimea “has significantly deteriorated” under Russian occupation and cited serious rights abuses that included torture, forced disappearances, detentions and at least one extrajudicial execution.

Mr. Muiznieks said he would support the establishment of an international monitoring mission to observe the rights situation in Crimea.

“Many NGOs have advocated for this and I think it would be very useful to have some eyes and ears on the ground there watching the evolution of the situation, because the independent human rights defenders and journalists have all been squeezed out of the situation. Either they are in detention or they have left,” he said. “Russia until now has put a veto – it doesn’t allow U.N. human rights monitors access there, it doesn’t allow the OSCE [Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe], and it doesn’t allow me – so I’m hoping that will change because there is a need for people on the ground to follow the situation.”

He added: “The worst thing we can do to the people of Crimea is to leave them in isolation from the broader world.”

Despite the array of rights violations documented by the U.N. Human Rights Office and other international rights watchdogs, Mr. Muiznieks doesn’t think Russia should be expelled from the Council of Europe, as some people have suggested.

Russia’s relations with the Council of Europe are already battered. In June, Moscow declared it would suspend its payments to the organization because it said its delegates at the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) were being “persecuted” in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The delegates were banned in 2014 from voting in parliament or taking part in other activities.

“Ideally, if a country remains in the Council of Europe it cooperates in good faith, it carries out reforms, and it works in dialogue and cooperation with the different bodies of the Council of Europe to improve the human rights situation,” said Mr. Muiznieks.

Human rights situation in Europe

Mr. Muiznieks concluded by saying the human rights situation in Europe has gotten worse “in a number of areas” since he assumed his six-year term in 2012.

“Not only have we had the backsliding in countries like Russia and Azerbaijan, and Turkey, and Hungary, and Poland, [but] you’ve had increasing challenges to the authority of the [European Court for Human Rights],” he said. “You’ve had indirect challenges through delays in implementation but also direct challenges, like the Russian law allowing its Constitutional Court to rule on whether a [European Court of Human Rights] judgment can be implemented. But you have other challenges from countries like the U.K. and prisoners’ voting rights, or Switzerland where you have a popular initiative challenging the authority of the [European Court of Human Rights] as well.

“So the whole [human rights] edifice is a bit shaky and people have forgotten why we created European institutions and the human rights system.”

Copyright 2017, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted with the permission of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036; www.rferl.org (to read the full text of this story, see https://www.rferl.org/a/muizneks-russia-chechnya-azerbaijan-crimea-council-europe/ 28760684.html).