September 11, 2020

Defacement of memorials and communist agenda


Dear Editor:

The Ukrainian Weekly (July 12) reported the defacement of a banner on the future site of the Victims of Communism (VOC) Memorial in Ottawa. The painted hammer-and-sickle emblem with the message “Communism Will Win” is an affront to victims of communist tyranny, among them the millions who perished in Ukraine during the Holodomor. Another VOC memorial was vandalized in Washington and signed with “BLM.” A pro-communist agenda motivating these deplorable actions appears obvious.

Builders of the Ottawa memorial rightfully condemned the vandals as “useful idiots,” as Lenin also called his followers. The rioting and destruction now on full display across our country are the work of modern day “useful idiots,” led and organized by Marxist anarchist organizations whose unequivocally stated goal is to fundamentally transform the U.S. (and probably Canada) into a socialist society.

We are witnessing an evolving pro-communist movement that can potentially succeed if not decisively confronted. Yet many politicians tolerate this violence and destruction, demand defunding of police, and even prosecute people who dare defend themselves and their property from hostile mobs. They excuse this absurd behavior as defending the right to protest (i.e., to riot). We know who these politicians are. They must be voted out and replaced by people who love this country, respect law and order, and support our police. Otherwise we may find ourselves living in a repressive communist state – the kind from which people run at first chance.

Where will we then run?

Andriy Melnyk