March 31, 2017

Documentary “Genocide Revealed” launches new website


Volodymyr Bandura

“Genocide Revealed” is filmed in Kharkiv Oblast, directed by Yurij Luhovy (center) with Adriana Luhova (cameraperson).

MONTREAL – A new website ( has been launched highlighting the availability of the English, Ukrainian and French versions of the multi-award-winning feature documentary film “Genocide Revealed.”

The first historical drama “Bitter Harvest,” written by Richard Bachynsky-Hoover and George Mendeluk, has brought international awareness to the little known 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine. With this movie’s release, many people are asking where they can find more detailed information about this genocide.

The documentary (75 minutes) “Genocide Revealed” by Canadian filmmaker Yurij Luhovy exposes Moscow’s policy of genocide against the Ukrainian nation. The film focuses on the man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine engineered by Stalin’s regime and the accompanied decimation of the national elite and destruction of Ukraine’s historical past. “Genocide Revealed” is based on testimonies of survivors, commentaries by historians, declassified Soviet archival documents and rare historical footage. It reveals one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century, during which millions perished.

The film crew travelled over 3500 kilometers to reach survivors in remote areas of the original famine-struck areas of eastern Ukraine. Today, most of those areas are reduced to ruble with the ongoing war.

“Genocide Revealed” won 12 international awards, including Best Historical Film and Best Documentary. The documentary received many comments from historians and specialists in Holodomor studies referring to the film as “the best documentary made on the Famine-Genocide (Holodomor)” (Prof. Roman Serbyn).

The feature documentary is available in the original Ukrainian-language version titled “Okradena Zemlya,” narrated by Bohdan Beniuk; in the French-language version titled “Génocide d’une Nation,” narrated by internationally renowned Quebec actress Geneviève Bujold; and the English-language version narrated by Canadian Oscar-nominated actor Graham Greene.

An educational English-language version, which has both 26-minute and 52-minute shortened versions on one DVD, is available. Teachers are using it in Canadian provinces that have Holodomor study and 20th century genocides included in their Education Department’s curriculum. The U.S. Holodomor Educational Committee called the documentary “an excellent educational resource film” and the UCC National Holodomor Awareness Committee describes it as “highly recommended as a teaching resource.”

A Ukrainian-language educational version for teachers will soon be released. The feature-length film “Okradena Zemlya,” which is endorsed by the Ukrainian World Congress, was recently premiered in Kyiv to a standing ovation at “Ukrayinskyi Dim,” Speaking at the Kyiv premiere on November 2016, Kyiv historian Prof. Volodymyr Serhiychuk emphasized the need to complete the Ukrainian-language educational version for schools.

The documentaries were made possible with the support of community organizations, foundations and individuals, including the Shevchenko Foundation.

To access the new website and more information about the documentaries, go to