May 18, 2019

Don’t become a lapsed subscriber!


This week, we’d like to focus on a bread-and-butter issue for any newspaper: readers and subscribers. It’s quite simple: without these no newspaper can exist, much less a community newspaper like The Ukrainian Weekly that has a niche market. That’s why it’s crucial for us that our readers renew their subscriptions in a timely fashion. (It’s also crucial that readers who may peruse our pages from time to time, whether in print or online, become paid subscribers instead of, say, reading their neighbor’s or uncle’s copy of the paper.)

If you are reading these words, you most likely are a subscriber, and we thank you for your support of our work. And if you are a subscriber, at one time or another, you have received a reminder from us to renew your paid subscription. In fact, our administration advises, readers get at least two reminders in the mail asking them to renew. Unfortunately, we have found that, lately, some readers have chosen to not respond to such reminders, but later claim they never received a bill.

There is a straightforward solution.

We turn your attention to the mailing address stamped on the top right of your copy of The Weekly. There, just above your name, is a six-digit number that indicates the year/month/date when your subscription is up. For example, if it says 190519, that means your subscription expires on May 19, 2019.

Similarly, when you log in to read The Weekly online at by entering your e-mail address and your password, you will see a date when your online subscription expires. 

Thus, you can easily see when it’s time for you to re-up with us. And you can certainly take action to not let your subscription lapse. At the same time, you will be helping us on the administrative end of things (and saving us postage costs for multiple reminders).

You can renew by mail (send a check made out to “UNA Publications” and mail it to Subscription Department, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, Parsippany, NJ 07054) or by phone (call 973-292-9800, x 3040, and charge the subscription to your credit card). In the case of online subscriptions, you can renew via our website (go to and click on the link for “Subscriptions,” which will prompt you on the steps to take). You can always call the Subscription Department at the aforementioned number or e-mail [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.

Please note: if you are a member of the Ukrainian National Association – the 125-year-old fraternal benefit society that publishes this newspaper and the Ukrainian-language Svoboda as part of its multifaceted service to its members and the community at large – you get a member discount ($10 off) on the price of an annual print subscription. So please remember to mention your membership status and have the number of your UNA branch handy (if possible).

We’re sure you don’t want to miss all the interesting information about Ukrainian communities in North America and around the globe, as well as news about the latest critical developments in Ukraine reported by our own correspondent in Kyiv. There are also special features on topics ranging from the arts and sports to people in the news and community life. The Weekly is also a unique forum for the exchange of ideas and a newspaper of record about all things Ukrainian. 

By making sure your subscription is up to date, you will continue to benefit from the unique perspective offered by The Ukrainian Weekly. And, with your support as our subscriber, we will continue to serve as the voice of our community!

PS: While we have your attention, our administration asks that we remind subscribers to our online edition to please make sure you give us your current e-mail address so we can update your online subscriptions and so that we can notify you when a new issue is posted.