October 9, 2020

Don’t count on Trump to save Ukraine


Dear Editor:

The ad by Ukrainian Americans for Trump with the message to “Vote Republi­can to Save America and Ukraine” (Sep­tember 27) was astounding and baffling. Firstly, the top of the Republican ticket, Donald Trump, possesses traits that are the antithesis for good leadership and governance, and that most, if not all, Ukrainians should find objectionable: narcissism, lying, bullying, lack of empathy and intellectual frailty. Secondly, Republican senators and representatives behave like cult-followers, while demonstrating hypocrisy and inconsistency with former party principles.

Do not count on Mr. Trump to save America. He is a danger to America; he has diminished the U.S. position in the world; he has, with his attorney general, tampered with the rule of law; he has stoked divisiveness; he has implemented environmental deregulation; he has notoriously lied (over 20,000 documented), including deceiving the public about the dangers of the coronavirus, resulting in the deaths of 210,000 Americans.

Do not count on Mr. Trump to save Ukraine. Yes, he did reluctantly agree to sell Javelin missiles to Ukraine in March 2018, after being convinced that it was good business; this first batch was stored in western Ukraine until mid-2020, when use restrictions were removed.

Recall Mr. Trump’s disdain for Ukraine with repeated comments that Ukraine is a most corrupt country with terrible people or that Crimea should be part of Russia. Mr. Trump’s puzzling connection to Vladimir Putin and Russian interference in support of Mr. Trump’s presidential elections should make one suspect about Mr. Trump’s intentions in Ukraine.

Arcadia Kocybala, Ph.D.
Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.