April 24, 2015

Dutch shift priority in MH17 crash


AMSTERDAM – The Netherlands says that, with nearly all of the victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17) identified, efforts has shifted to finding those responsible for shooting the plane down over Ukraine last year. Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Bert Koenders said on April 16, “Now that we’re very far with repatriation [of the victims’ remains], investigation and prosecution are becoming more central.” The passenger jet was shot down on July 17, killing all 298 people on board, most of them Dutch. Last month, Dutch media reported that a metal fragment from the crash site matches a Russian-made rocket. Russia has suggested that the airliner was downed by the Ukrainian military. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Reuters, Agence France-Presse and Deutsche Presse-Agentur)