April 5, 2019

Engineers’ Society hosts 2019 Philadelphia debutante ball


Marko Lonkevych

Debutantes and escorts at the 2019 Engineers’ Banquet and Ball in Philadelphia.

PHILADELPHIA – The 65th annual Engineers’ Banquet and Ball, with presentation of debutantes, sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Ukrainian Engineers’ Society of America, took place on Saturday, February 2, in the classically elegant and completely renovated Grand Ballroom of the Bellevue Hotel. This is, without question, the finest ballroom in the Philadelphia area.

This gala event was by all measures a tremendous success. There were over 350 guests at the banquet, and a total of over 650 attended the ball. The Bellevue Grand Ballroom was full to overflowing, and a second ballroom was opened to accommodate all the guests.

The Rev. Taras Lonchyna, pastor of St. Josaphat’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Trenton, N.J., opened the gala with a prayer for Ukraine and a blessing.

Eleven lovely and talented young ladies were presented as debutantes: Natalia Buck, escorted by Pavlo Pencak; Maria Heren, escorted by Nicholas Santone; Ksenia Hulayev, escorted by Roman Zharovsky; Marianna Klingensmith, escorted by Yuri Yakymiv; Marianna Lechman, escorted by Thoma Holovatskyy; Roma Lonkevych, escorted by Zen Kochanowsky; Juliette Louer, escorted by Lucas Chuma; Anette Luba, escorted by Andrew Popadiuk; Cadence McStowe, escorted by Darius Kulchyckyj; Anastasiya Stolyarchuk, escorted by Roman Nagirniak; and Ksenia Tymchenko, escorted by Anton Pereklita.

The debutantes and escorts were exceptionally well prepared by Halia Wirstiuk and Ania Bohachevsky Lonkevych to perform their presentation dances. Original choreography for the dances was prepared by them to the music of Richard Strauss.

Masters of ceremonies for the banquet and ball were Natalia Tarasiuk and Andriy Royik.

An additional highlight of the evening was a special performance by world-class concert pianist Roman Rudnytsky of Ohio, whose granddaughter was one of the debutantes.

The outstanding success of this gala event was made possible by the preparation and hard work of the Ball Committee, chaired by Orysia Hewka.

Music was provided by the Hrim band from New York and Connecticut.

For weeks after the ball, social media were praising the Philadelphia Ball as the place to debut.

Next year’s Philadelphia Engineers’ Ball is scheduled for Saturday, February 1, at the same venue, the Bellevue Hotel.