April 17, 2015

Estonia calls for permanent NATO force


LONDON – Estonia’s President Toomas Hendrik Ilves has called for a permanent NATO force to be stationed in his country. Mr. Ilves told Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper that Estonia was “part of a group of countries who are mentioned in a threatening way” by Russia. A U.S. infantry company numbering 150 soldiers is currently NATO’s only presence in Estonia, but it is not permanent. Mr. Ilves said 150 soldiers “is not a lot, so we do think that further stationing of troops at a higher number is only reasonable.” Russian military maneuvers on Estonia’s border have triggered concern in Europe that Moscow could attempt to destabilize its bordering countries. NATO has pledged a 5,000-strong task force and command centers in six former Soviet republics, including one in Estonia. Estonia joined NATO in 2004. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Agence France-Presse and the BBC)