February 5, 2015

EU says ‘spiral of violence’ must stop


BRUSSELS – The European Union’s foreign-policy chief, Federica Mogherini, said on February 4 that the “spiral of ever-increasing violence in eastern Ukraine needs to stop” and blamed pro-Russian rebels for a recent escalation that she said was causing “great human suffering.” Ms. Mogherini said that “the shelling of civilians, wherever it happens, is a grave violation of international humanitarian law.” But she reserved her sharpest words for the pro-Russian rebels, who have been fighting to seize the town of Debaltseve from embattled government forces and have threatened to attempt to take control of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in their entirety. “The fighting provoked by the continued separatist offensive, notably around Debaltseve, is causing great human suffering and undermines all efforts aimed at a political solution,” Ms. Mogherini said in her statement. She joined the chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in a call for an immediate ceasefire in the Debaltseve area, saying a truce should last at least three days. “Residents of Ukraine’s Donbas strive to flee the region and the humanitarian crisis continues to worsen dramatically in the coldest period of the year,” she said. “Civilians need to be able to leave the conflict zone safely.” Ms. Mogherini also repeated calls for the withdrawal of artillery from residential areas. (RFE/RL)