May 12, 2017

“Europe not Moscow”


In Budapest, thousands march and chant, “Europe not Moscow!”

In France, a pro-European centrist is poised to handily defeat a pro-Moscow nationalist in the May 7 presidential election runoff.

In Finland, a new center has been established to combat Russian disinformation and hybrid threats.

In Sweden and Finland, the issue of joining NATO is being taken more seriously than ever before.

In Spain, prosecutors are aggressively pursuing cases against Kremlin-connected organized crime groups.

Across Europe, the backlash against Moscow’s efforts to subvert and undermine the EU with disinformation, corruption and organized crime is gathering steam.

The Kremlin’s efforts to undermine Europe’s institutions and unity has been going on for years. But until recently, the operation was stealthy and Moscow could count on European complacency.

Elites could be corrupted with lucrative sweetheart deals. The Kremlin’s black cash could fatten the ledgers of Western banks and create a ready-made lobby for Moscow. Gangsters could advance the Kremlin’s interests without leaving fingerprints.

But the war in Ukraine and Moscow’s meddling in Western elections have woken up an increasing number of people to Russia’s nonkinetic war on Europe.

Not long ago, talk of a Russian threat to Europe was confined to the Baltic states and Poland. Today, it is being heard everywhere.

The backlash hasn’t reached critical mass just yet. But it is gaining momentum.

The commentary above is from Brian Whitmore’s May 2 edition of “The Morning Vertical” on RFE/RL ( 28463487.html).