August 28, 2015

FOR THE RECORD: UCC message on Ukraine’s Independence Day


The following message on Ukraine’s Independence Day was released by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress on August 24.

Dear Friends!

The Ukrainian Canadian Congress, its member organizations, provincial councils and local branches extend warm greetings to the Ukrainian Canadian community and all those celebrating the 24th anniversary of Ukraine’s independence.

Through the centuries, the people of Ukraine struggled and fought for their liberty and independence. Generations of Ukrainians endured and resisted years of oppression and foreign occupation, united in an unwavering determination to see freedom return to their homeland. On August 24, 1991, that dream was realized.

Today, as we celebrate the 24th anniversary of that great day, Ukraine’s independence, territorial integrity and freedom are again under threat from a foreign invader. The Russian Federation wages a war of aggression against Ukraine, seeking to once more subjugate Ukraine to Russia’s tyranny. The people of Ukraine are bravely resisting this invasion, defending their homes, their country and their freedom. United in common purpose, with God’s help, they will be victorious.

As we celebrate Ukraine’s independence, we pause to pay tribute to all those who have given their lives so that Ukraine may be free, and to all those who today must take up arms to defend and preserve that freedom.

Today, let us remain united in our efforts to support the people of Ukraine in their battle to protect their country. Let us continue to draw inspiration from their courageous struggle. Let us remember that justice, democracy and liberty will triumph over cruelty, despotism and imperialism. And let us pray that peace will soon return to Ukraine.

Слава Україні! Героям Слава!

With respect and best wishes,

Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Paul Grod, President